Reviewing video at half-time with Performa Sports
From doing live game analysis for clients and listening to users of Performa Sports, they have benefited a great deal from reviewing the half-time stats using our graphical and pitch location reports to help visualise what's happening in the game and quickly identify patterns of play. Some of you have asked if it's possible to review video at half-time at a game and the ANSWER IS YES, you can do this with Performa Sports using any of the methods listed below.
However, from our experiences we would also add a word of caution to how you use video at half-time with respect to the fine balance between anxiety and arousal in athlete performance and the narrow window of time and athlete attention. Ultimately you will know your athletes best, but other good practices included building a library of video playlists demonstrating previous tactical challenges from past games and from training sessions where you have overcome that challenge. This can promote positive recall from past scenarios and reminds athletes that they have encountered that challenge before and know how to fix or cope with it (from training).
Option 1
In terms of equipment you need the following:
● iPad with Performa Sports installed
● Video Camcorder that records directly to an SD Card - Camera must be set to record to an MP4 format at 4Mbps.
● SD Card reader connector for your iPad

Once the referee blows his/her whistle to end the first half, the coach using the Performa Sports app on their iPad, ends the 1st half stats and then taps on the “Home” option to come out of the live-game interface. Connect your SD Card reader adapter and insert the SD card from your camera. On your iPad it will auto detect the SD card and your Photos app will appear with an option to import the 1st half video. Select the video and import the video. This will take approximately. 35secs to import.
Once this has been completed, launch Performa Sports on your iPad. Tap on Videos, then tap on the + button to import a video from your Camera Roll, select the video you have just imported. This import process will take approx. 25-30 seconds, once finished the video will appear as a local video on your video list. Tap on "Sync with game" green button, and then sync up your first half timing and 'hey presto' you can now review all the data you tracked from the first half linked to your video on your iPad.
In total this process should take approx. 60 - 90 seconds to pull in video and sync it with the game data for a video of approx. 35mins in length.
Option 2
In terms of equipment you need the following:
● iPad with Performa Sports installed
● Video Camcorder with a HDMI Mini port
● MacBook Pro or Windows computer with Open Broadcast Software installed (free)
● Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder
● Connect your Camera via a HDMI cable to the Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder
● Connect your Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder either with a USB or Thunderbolt connection with your Laptop

This setup is slightly different to option 1, as this approach requires you to have your Camera connected to your Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder, which is then connected to your Laptop at the game. With this approach you will have a live video feed from the Camera on your Laptop screen. Open Broadcast Software is very easy to use and can be easily configured.
As the video is automatically saved on your computer’s desktop, as soon as the referee blows the whistle for half-time, you can connect your iPad via the white USB cable to your computer, launch iTunes on your computer and then drag the first half video from your desktop into Performa Sports Shared Documents folder, this will take approx. 10 - 30 seconds to transfer the video across. Launch Performa Sports on you iPad, select the video you just imported and tap on Sync with game green button, and then sync up your first half timing and 'hey presto' you can now review all the data you tracked from the first half linked to your video on your iPad.
In total this takes approx. 60 - 90 seconds to pull in the video to your iPad from your computer and have it sync with the game data.
Option 3
In terms of equipment you need the following:
● iPad with Performa Sports installed
● TV - if capturing video from a TV feed
● Connect your TV to a HDMI Splitter with a HDMI cable
● MacBook Pro or Windows computer with Open Broadcast Software installed (free)
● Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder
● Connect your HDMI splitter via a HDMI cable to the Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder (make sure to have the Blackmagic Mini Recorder connected to the HDMI out on the HDMI Splitter)
● Freeview Box / Sky Box
● Connect your Blackmagic Ultrastudio Mini Recorder either with a USB or Thunderbolt connection with your Laptop

This setup is very similar to option 2, only we are replacing the Camera with a TV as our video source. As TVs only allow you to use their HDMI connections as a HDMI input, so we need to connect a HDMI Splitter to allow us to create a HDMI out port so that the Blackmagic Mini Recorder can take the feed from the TV.
Next, setup your Blackmagic Mini Recorder as your video source within Open Broadcast Software, set the video settings as below.
As the video is automatically saved on your computer’s desktop, as soon as the referee blows the whistle for half-time, you can connect your iPad via the white USB cable to your computer, launch iTunes on your computer and then drag the first half video from your desktop into Performa Sports Shared Documents folder, this will take approx. 10 - 30 seconds to transfer the video across. Launch Performa Sports on you iPad, select the video you just imported and tap on Sync with game green button, and then sync up your first half timing and 'hey presto' you can now review all the data you tracked from the first half linked to your video on your iPad.
In total this takes approx. 60 - 90 seconds to pull in the video to your iPad from your computer and have it sync with the game data.
1. Bernard Power - Club: Corofin, Galway
Event Name
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